北京天譯翻譯公司是北京地區(qū)一家大型的專業(yè)翻譯公司,在多種領(lǐng)域均有著豐富的翻譯經(jīng)驗。立足北京并致力于在上海、大連、廣州、等地提供翻譯服務。公司整合了各地的資源,并在北京、上海、廣州等地建立了翻譯公司分部,以依托外資開發(fā)當?shù)氐姆g市場。天譯翻譯公司的翻譯人員都有著優(yōu)秀的翻譯水平,公司的所有翻譯均有著深厚的行業(yè)背景和翻譯經(jīng)驗,對所翻譯的行業(yè)有著深刻的理解,從而能夠 翻譯項目的質(zhì)量。公司致力于為每位客戶提供專業(yè)快速的翻譯服務,并成為溝通世界與中國的橋梁。


pathology <病理學Pathology)> 病理學

acidophilic body <病理學Pathology)> 嗜酸小體

acute inflammation <病理學Pathology)> 急性炎癥

acute proliferative glomerulonephritis, acute prol glom.rm <病理學Pathology)> 急性增殖性腎小球腎炎

acute viral hepatitis <病理學Pathology)> 急性病毒性肝炎

adenocarcinoma <病理學Pathology)> 腺癌

adenoma <病理學Pathology)> 腺瘤

air embolism <病理學Pathology)> 空氣栓塞

alteration <病理學Pathology)> 變質(zhì)

alterative inflammation <病理學Pathology)> 變質(zhì)性炎癥

alveolar carcinoma <病理學Pathology)> 肺泡上皮癌

amebic dysentery <病理學Pathology)> 阿米巴痢疾


amyloid degeneration <病理學Pathology)> 淀粉樣變性

anaplasia <病理學Pathology)> 間變

anemic infarct <病理學Pathology)> 貧血性梗死

anterior poliomyelitis <病理學Pathology)> 脊髓前角灰質(zhì)炎

apoptosis <病理學Pathology)> 程序性細胞死亡,凋落,凋亡

appendicitis <病理學Pathology)> 闌尾炎

arterial hyperemia <病理學Pathology)> 動脈性充血

arteriolosclerosis <病理學Pathology)> 細動脈硬化

arteriosclerotic heart disease <病理學Pathology)> 動脈硬化性心臟病

Aschoff body

atheroma <病理學Pathology)> 粥腫

atherosclerosis <病理學Pathology)> 動脈粥樣硬化

atrophic gastritis <病理學Pathology)> 萎縮性胃炎

atrophy <病理學Pathology)> 萎縮

atypia <病理學Pathology)> 異型性

autopsy <病理學Pathology)> 尸體解剖

bacillary dysentery <病理學Pathology)> 細菌性痢疾

bacteremia <病理學Pathology)> 菌血癥

bacterial endocarditis <病理學Pathology)> 細菌性心內(nèi)膜炎

bacterial pneumonia <病理學Pathology)> 細菌性肺炎

benign tumor <病理學Pathology)> 良性腫瘤

biopsy <病理學Pathology)> 活組織檢查

bridging necrosis <病理學Pathology)> 橋狀壞死

bronchial asthma <病理學Pathology)> 支氣管哮喘

bronchiectasis <病理學Pathology)> 支氣管擴張, 支氣管擴張癥

bronchopneumonia <病理學Pathology)> 支氣管肺炎

Burkitt lymphoma <病理學Pathology)> Burkitt淋巴瘤

cachexia <病理學Pathology)> 惡病質(zhì), 惡液質(zhì)

carcinoid <病理學Pathology)> 類癌

carcinoma <病理學Pathology)> 癌

carcinoma of thyroid <病理學Pathology)> 甲狀腺癌

cardiomyopathy <病理學Pathology)> 心肌病

carnification <病理學Pathology)> 肉質(zhì)變

caseous necrosis <病理學Pathology)> 干酪樣壞死

caseous pneumonia <病理學Pathology)> 干酪性肺結(jié)核

cavity <病理學Pathology)> 空洞

degeneration <病理學Pathology)> 變性,潰變

diffuse glomerulonephritis <病理學Pathology)> 彌漫性腎小球腎炎

disease <病理學Pathology)> 疾病

dry gangrene <病理學Pathology)> 干性壞疽

duodenal ulcer <病理學Pathology)> 十二指腸潰瘍

dysplasia <病理學Pathology)> 發(fā)育不良

edema <病理學Pathology)> 水腫

embolism <病理學Pathology)> 栓塞

embolus <病理學Pathology)> 栓子

emphysema <病理學Pathology)> 肺氣腫

encapsulation <病理學Pathology)> 包圍

endemic goiter <病理學Pathology)> 地方性甲狀腺腫

endocardium <病理學Pathology)> 心內(nèi)膜

epidemic meningitis <病理學Pathology)> 流行性腦膜炎

epithelioid cell <病理學Pathology)> 類上皮細胞

erosion <病理學Pathology)> 侵蝕

etiology <病理學Pathology)> 病原學

external hemorrhage <病理學Pathology)> 外出血

exudate <病理學Pathology)> 滲出液

exudation <病理學Pathology)> 滲血

fat embolism <病理學Pathology)> 脂肪栓塞

fatty degeneration <病理學Pathology)> 脂肪變性

fibrin <病理學Pathology)> 纖維蛋白

fibrinoid degeneration <病理學Pathology)> 纖維素樣變性

fibrinoid necrosis <病理學Pathology)> 纖維素樣壞死

fibroadenoma <病理學Pathology)> 纖維腺瘤

fibroma <病理學Pathology)> 纖維瘤

fibrosarcoma <病理學Pathology)> 纖維肉瘤

follicular adenocarcinoma <病理學Pathology)> 濾泡腺癌

foreign body giant cell <病理學Pathology)> 異物巨細胞

gangrene <病理學Pathology)> 壞疽

gas gangrene <病理學Pathology)> 氣性壞疽

gastritis <病理學Pathology)> 胃炎

giant cell tumor <病理學Pathology)> 巨細胞瘤

goiter <病理學Pathology)> 甲狀腺腫

granular atrophic kidney <病理學Pathology)> 顆粒性萎縮腎

granulation tissue <病理學Pathology)> 肉芽組織

hairy cell leukemia <病理學Pathology)> 毛細胞白血病

heart <病理學Pathology)>

heart failure <病理學Pathology)> 心力衰竭

hemorrhage <病理學Pathology)> 出血

hemorrhagic infarct <病理學Pathology)> 出血性梗死

hemosiderin <病理學Pathology)> 含鐵血黃素,血鐵黃蛋白

hyaline degeneration <病理學Pathology)> 玻璃樣變性

hyaline membrane <病理學Pathology)> 透明膜

hydropic degeneration <病理學Pathology)> 水性腫脹(水樣變性)

hyperplasia <病理學Pathology)> 增生

hypertension <病理學Pathology)> 高血壓

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy <病理學Pathology)> 肥厚型心肌病

hypertrophy <病理學Pathology)> 肥厚

infarct <病理學Pathology)> 梗死

infectious hepatitis <病理學Pathology)> 傳染性肝炎

infiltration <病理學Pathology)> 浸潤

inflammation <病理學Pathology)> 炎癥

inflammatory polyp <病理學Pathology)> 炎性息肉

injury <病理學Pathology)> 損傷

internal hemorrhage <病理學Pathology)> 內(nèi)出血

ischemic necrosis <病理學Pathology)> 貧血性壞死

left ventricle <病理學Pathology)> 左心室

leiomyoma <病理學Pathology)> 平滑肌瘤

leiomyosarcoma <病理學Pathology)> 平滑肌肉瘤

lesion <病理學Pathology)> 病變

leukemoid reaction <病理學Pathology)> 類白血病反應

lipoma <病理學Pathology)> 脂肪瘤

liposarcoma <病理學Pathology)> 脂肪肉瘤

liquefactive necrosis <病理學Pathology)> 液化性壞死

lobar pneumonia <病理學Pathology)> 大葉性肺炎

lobular pneumonia <病理學Pathology)> 小葉性肺炎

lymphoma <病理學Pathology)> 淋巴瘤

macronodular cirrhosis <病理學Pathology)> 大結(jié)節(jié)性肝硬變

malignant histiocytosis <病理學Pathology)> 惡性組織細胞增生癥

malignant tumor <病理學Pathology)> 惡性腫瘤

medullary carcinoma <病理學Pathology)> 髓樣癌

melanin <病理學Pathology)> 黑色素

melanoma <病理學Pathology)> 黑色素瘤

membranous glomerulonephritis <病理學Pathology)> 膜性腎小球腎炎

metaplasia <病理學Pathology)> 化生

metastasis <病理學Pathology)> 轉(zhuǎn)移

micronodular cirrhosis <病理學Pathology)> 小結(jié)節(jié)性肝硬變

mixed tumor <病理學Pathology)> 混合瘤

moist gangrene <病理學Pathology)> 濕性壞疽

mucinous cystadenoma <病理學Pathology)> 粘液性囊腺瘤

mycoplasma pneumonia <病理學Pathology)> 支原體肺炎

myeloma <病理學Pathology)> 骨髓瘤

myocardial infarction <病理學Pathology)> 心肌梗塞

myocardium <病理學Pathology)> 心肌

myoma <病理學Pathology)> 肌瘤

myxoma <病理學Pathology)> 粘液瘤

necrosis <病理學Pathology)> 壞死

nephritic syndrome <病理學Pathology)> 腎病綜合征

nephrosclerosis <病理學Pathology)> 腎硬化

neuroblastoma <病理學Pathology)> 神經(jīng)母細胞瘤

neurofibroma <病理學Pathology)> 神經(jīng)纖維瘤

neurotic atrophy <病理學Pathology)> 神經(jīng)性萎縮

oncogene <病理學Pathology)> 癌基因,原癌基因

organization <病理學Pathology)> 機化

osteoma <病理學Pathology)> 骨瘤

osteosarcoma <病理學Pathology)> 骨肉瘤

pale infarct <病理學Pathology)> 白色梗死

papilloma <病理學Pathology)> 乳頭狀瘤

pathogenesis <病理學Pathology)> 發(fā)病學

pathologic anatomy <病理學Pathology)> 病理解剖學

pathologic atrophy <病理學Pathology)> 病理性萎縮

pathology <病理學Pathology)> 病理學

peptic ulcer <病理學Pathology)> 消化性潰瘍

pericarditis <病理學Pathology)> 心包炎

pericardium <病理學Pathology)> 心包

physiologic atrophy <病理學Pathology)> 生理性萎縮

piecemeal necrosis <病理學Pathology)> 碎片狀壞死

pituitary adenoma <病理學Pathology)> 垂體腺瘤

polypoid adenoma <病理學Pathology)> 息肉狀腺瘤

primary complex <病理學Pathology)> 原發(fā)綜合征

proliferation <病理學Pathology)> 增殖

pulmonary abscess <病理學Pathology)> 肺膿腫

pulmonary emphysema <病理學Pathology)> 肺氣腫

pulmonary tuberculosis <病理學Pathology)> 肺結(jié)核

pyelonephritis <病理學Pathology)> 腎盂腎炎

rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis <病理學Pathology)> 急進性腎小球腎炎

red infarct <病理學Pathology)> 紅色梗死

regeneration <病理學Pathology)> 再生

repair <病理學Pathology)> 修復

rheumatic carditis <病理學Pathology)> 風濕性心臟炎

rheumatic endocarditis <病理學Pathology)> 風濕性心內(nèi)膜炎

rheumatic epicarditis <病理學Pathology)> 風濕性心外膜炎

rheumatic heart disease <病理學Pathology)> 風濕性心臟病

rheumatic myocarditis <病理學Pathology)> 風濕性心肌炎

rheumatism <病理學Pathology)> 風濕癥

sarcoma <病理學Pathology)> 肉瘤

scar <病理學Pathology)> 瘢痕, 疤痕

sclerosis <病理學Pathology)> 硬化

septicemia <病理學Pathology)> 敗血癥

serous cystadenoma <病理學Pathology)> 漿液性囊腺瘤

shock <病理學Pathology)> 休克

silicosis <病理學Pathology)> 矽肺

squamous cell carcinoma <病理學Pathology)> 扁平上皮癌,鱗狀上皮癌

stage of congestion <病理學Pathology)> 充血期

stage of gray hepatization <病理學Pathology)> 灰色肝樣變期

stage of red hepatization <病理學Pathology)> 紅色肝樣變期

subacute inflammation <病理學Pathology)> 亞急性炎

subacute viral hepatitis <病理學Pathology)> 亞急性病毒性肝炎

symptom <病理學Pathology)> 癥狀

syphilis (lues) <病理學Pathology)> 梅毒

teratoma <病理學Pathology)> 畸胎瘤

thromboembolism <病理學Pathology)> 血栓栓塞

thrombosis <病理學Pathology)> 血栓形成

thrombus <病理學Pathology)> 血栓